Thinning Eyelashes


Ever been in awe of a young child’s perfectly full and thick lashes? We understand! Thinning eyelashes are an unfortunate part of the aging process. In addition to the natural thinning process, other factors like rubbing the eyes or regular wear and tear can also cause the lashes to thin. Health issues and diseases can also cause thinning. Today, there are options to build your lash fullness again. Make an appointment for a consultation with one of our providers!

Treatment Options Available for Thinning Eyelashes

  • Prescription Medications: There are prescriptions (oral or topical) that may help with this condition. Schedule a consultation if you would like to see what treatment options are best for you.
What we offer



Los Gatos Dermatology
777 Knowles Drive, Suite 16
Los Gatos, CA 95032
Phone: 408-374-1320

Office Hours

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